7. Beijing struggles to balance economy and ideology
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Over the past decade Xi Jinping was able to progressively expand his own vision for China’s economic system by reconfiguring it with the ideological principles outlined in the previous chapters. In 2023 the economy is – again – under much stronger guidance of the party – and economic policy making is beset by growing distrust of liberal market economies. The implementation of Xi’s economic priorities are in full swing in pursuit of achieving the 2049 vision of the great rejuvenation. But clearly it is not all smooth sailing and Xi’s third term looks to be off to a rocky start.
It is becoming inherently difficult to reconcile economic interests with political ones and becoming obvious that pursuing geopolitical priorities comes with a price on the economy. The expectations of a swift return to pre-pandemic consumption patterns within Chinese households have been thwarted while private companies are struggling. It seems as if the leadership underestimated the profound impact of the confluence of factors from zero Covid, the crackdown on the dynamic tech sector and real estate - as well as rising geopolitical risks.
As the economy is absorbing the policy-medicine the party-state prescribed it is causing side effects for the different actors:
- Society: After decades of improvement in livelihood the outlook is changing for some. There is a risk of parts of China’s youth being part of the first generation since the start of the reform process that sees its development stall. Record levels of youth unemployment and poor wage prospects have resulted in growing disillusion. While growing nationalism might counter this to some extent, accepting hardship for the greater good of nation will be a difficult sell for many.
- Bureaucracy: Compared to the start of Xi’s first term, party and government officials are operating in a very different ecosystem. The anti-corruption campaigns, the return of ideology, an increasingly top-down and campaign-style approach to policy making have diminished the incentives for policy-making experimentation at the local level. Officials that must do their job while wearing their political hats will likely continue to decide that doing what is ideologically right is more important than what might actually work in their ecosystem, or worse yet, that they will choose inaction out of fear that the consequences of any steps they take will yield the wrong results.
- Chinese companies: Many private companies are at odds with the direction of economic policies – while without doubt some companies also flourish as they fully embrace the priorities. There is a real risk of many highly innovative and productive economic actors choosing to hold their heads down by not being willing to take on entrepreneurial risk if the prospects of returns are limited if they are not aligned with the strategic priorities of the party. Similarly, the many export-oriented SMEs that have thrived over the past decades serving liberal market economies might also be at odds with politics increasingly getting in the way of business.
- Foreign companies: Lower growth prospects and changing market environment are forcing foreign companies to make strategic adjustments on how they position themselves in the Chinese market. Many need to strike a balance between de-risking and localization in a way that does not undermine their competitive position. While China continues to court foreign companies, especially in technological areas it needs, compa- nies are increasingly at risk at being caught up in opaque national security regulations or punished for actions of their home government.
Recent economic policy adjustments do not mark a return to more liberal economic policies
In response to the struggling economy, the party released a range of policies aimed at alleviating concerns of private and foreign companies as well as households over the summer of 2023. They seem to be geared towards alleviating concerns over the direction of the economic system. Some the most noticeable measures include:
- 14th July 2023, on the private sector: “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy” (中共中央 国务院关于促进民营经济发展壮大的意见),109
- 31st July 2023, on consumption: the “General Office of the State Council Forwards the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on Measures to Restore and Expand Consumption” (国务院办公厅转发国家发展改革委关于恢复和扩大消费措施的通知),110
- 13th August 2023, on foreign investment: “Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Enhancing the Attraction of Foreign Investment” (国务院关于进一步优化外商投资环境 加大吸引外商投资力度的意见),111
- 4th September 2023, on the private sector: “Private Economic Development Bureau” (民营经济发展局) by the National Reform and Development Commission (NDRC) is newly established.112
The policies embrace fair competition, market-oriented restructuring, stronger rule of law, efforts to boost consumption as well as more opportunities for foreign companies. Such measures are a recognition of how implementing Xi’s the party’s economic principles has affected sentiment of the private sector and households. The efforts to shore up economic growth revive more reformist language and contrast the efforts aimed at strengthening party oversight. However, the oft-billed "pragmatism" of such measures and language are not yet likely to be indicative of a sea change in Xi’s approach to economic governance. Rather, these steps are matters of tone and timing.
As the third plenum approaches more such language can be expected for as long as China’s economy continues to struggle. In an effort to improve business sentiment the importance of markets and openness will be stressed. The aim is to soften the impact that economic actors are feeling as they settle into the new normal of Xi’s geopolitically focused political economy. But akin to what was said in the 2013 third plenum, the words need to be seen in the larger context of Xi’s visions for the country and the role the party has in it.
The policy direction set during the third plenum will be a test and an opportunity to evaluate the attempt how the leadership tries to reconcile trade-offs between strategic priorities and sufficient economic growth. At the moment the adjustments are more symbolic than substantive. A meaningful shift of policy direction would likely demand far more economic and social pressure. Nevertheless, the recent measures to reinforce the private sector are reminders that the leadership is not immune to market sentiment and that the party struggles to sell its policy objectives to all its subjects.
Success of course is not certain. There is the risk that the ideological streamlining of the economy fails, forcing for more substantial policy adjustments in the future. But for now, the overall direction is rigorously following the path Xi has set out over the past ten years. Even in times of lower growth it seems more likely that Xi will force his vision on economic actors and limit any adjustments to minor concessions.
The events currently unfolding might be as impactful as China’s integration into the world economy in the early 2000s. But the economic and geopolitical context has dramatically shifted from integration to competition – if not conflict – with liberal market economies. China’s future reforms and opening must be seen in the context of Xi Jinping’s strategy for its next stage of development. Instead of again engaging in wishful thinking about China’s development path as was done in 2013, Europe and other liberal market economies will need to accept the systemic differences and work out a pathway for mutual existence – that includes accepting the systemic challenge and preparing for competition.
Dealing with China and the structural break of today’s globalization should be seen as a wake-up call for Europe. It presents an opportunity and will require the courage to break though decades old thinking. Policymakers and corporate boardrooms continue to take a defensive posture as they face the dilemma of responding to a changing China. European policy is focused on measures to defend the common market from distortions from and dependencies on China, while C-suite discussions are about how to defend their footprint in the China market.
All actors would do well to adopt more offensive postures that cooly calculate what will be necessary to compete with China in third markets. For corporates, that means assertive strategies to secure market share in third markets and to wrestle with increasingly advanced competitors. For policymakers, that means strengthening ties with third countries and building the framework necessary to support European exports and investors in markets beyond Europe’s jurisdiction. In other words: pursue in other markets the kind of strategies Europe applied to China after it began reform and opening up.
- Endnotes
1 | Cerdeiro, Diego A. & Ruane, Cian. International Monetary Fund WP/22/32 (2022). “China’s Declining Business Dynamism.” February 2022. https://www.imf.org/-/media/Files/Publications/ WP/2022/English/wpiea2022032-print-pdf.ashx#:~:text=While%20this%20slowdown%20in%20 aggregate,2019%20(see%20Figure%201a). Accessed: August 30, 2022.
2 | Refer to Annex 1 for a deeper breakdown of the different generations of leadership and the core tenets of their political economies
3 | People’s Daily (2021). “从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃” (The Great Leap From Standing Up, and Becoming Prosperous, to Growing Strong). July, 24. http://theory.people.com.cn/n1/2021/0624/ c40531-32138960.html. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
4 | Red Flag Manuscript (2018). “从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大实践看中国共产党的理论创新” (Examining The Theoretical Innovation of the Communist Party of China from the Great Practice of Standing
Up, and Becoming Prosperous to Growing Strong). February, 24. http://www.qstheory.cn/dukan/ hqwg/2018-02/24/c_1122443420.htm. Accessed: August 30, 2023.5 | Huang, Ruihan & Henderson, Joshua. Macro Polo (2022). “The Return of The Technocrats in Chinese Politics.” May, 3. https://macropolo.org/analysis/return-technocrats-chinese-politics/. Accessed: August 20, 2023.
6 | Asia Society Policy Institute. “Decoding Chinese Politics.” https://asiasociety.org/policy-institute/ decoding-chinese-politics. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
7 | Xi, Jinping. Qiushi (2020). “不断开拓当代中国马克思主义政治经济学新境界” (Unceasingly open up the borders of contemporary Chinese Marxist political economy). August, 15. http://www.qstheory.cn/ dukan/qs/2020-08/15/c_1126365995.htm. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
8 | Hale, Thomas. Financial Times (2021). “Creditors of Chinese conglomerate HNA begin bankruptcy proceedings.” January, 29. https://www.ft.com/content/0bd72906-e3eb-444d-a62b-6e16daf49ed0. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
9 | McMorrow, Ryan & Yu, Sun. Financial Times (2021). “The vanishing billionaire: how Jack Ma fell foul of Xi Jinping.” April, 15. https://www.ft.com/content/1fe0559f-de6d-490e-b312-abba0181da1f. Accessed: August 30, 2023; Zhong, Raymond & Stevenson, Alexandra. The New York Times (2021). “Jack Ma Shows Why China’s Tycoons Keep Quiet.” April, 22. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/22/ technology/jack-ma-alibaba-tycoons.html. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
10 | Blanchette, Jude. China Leadership Monitor (2020). “From “China Inc.” to “CCP Inc.”: A New Paradigm for Chinese State Capitalism.” December, 1. https://www.prcleader.org/post/from-china-inc-to-ccp-inc- a-new-paradigm-for-chinese-state-capitalism. Accessed: August 30, 2023; Naughton, Barry & Boland, Briana. CSIS (2023). “CCP Inc.: The Reshaping of China's State Capitalist System.” January, 31. https://www.csis.org/analysis/ccp-inc-reshaping-chinas-state-capitalist-system. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
11 | Zhu, Julie; Shen, Meg & Roumeliotis, Greg. Reuters (2020). “China slams the brakes on Ant Group's
$37 billion listing.” November, 3. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ant-group-ipo-idUSKBN27J1OS. Accessed: August 30, 2023.12 | State Administration for Market Regulation (2021). “国务院反垄断委员会关于平台经济领域的反垄断指南” (Antimonopoly Committee of the State Council's Antimonopoly Guidelines on the Platform Economy Area). July, 2. https://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2021-02/07/content_5585758.htm. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
13 | Reuters (2023). “China acquires ‘golden shares’ in two Alibaba units.” January, 13. https://www.reuters. com/technology/china-moving-take-golden-shares-alibaba-tencent-units-ft-2023-01-13/. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
14 | Goh, Brenda. Reuters (2021). “China's Alibaba to invest $15.5 bln for ‘common prosperity’.” September, 2. https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-alibaba-invest-155-bln-towards-common-prosperity-2021-09-02/. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
15 | Zhang, Chunlin (2019). How much Do State-Owned Enterprises Contribute to China’s GDP and Employment. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group; and Asia Financial (2021). “China’s Liu He Reassures Private Businesses Rattled by Crackdowns.” September, 6. https://www.asiafinancial.com/ chinas-liu-he-reassures-private-businesses-rattled-by-crackdowns. Accessed: August 30, 2023.
16 | Huang, Tainlei & Véron, Nicolas (2022). The Private Sector in China: The Evolving Ownership Structures of the Largest Companies in the Xi Jinping Era. Washington, D.C.: Peterson Institute for International Economics.
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