Meet our Experts

Max J. Zenglein

Chief Economist

China’s macroeconomic development; international trade and investment; economic reforms


Helena Legarda

Lead Analyst

China’s defense and security policies; Chinese foreign policy, geopolitical competition and risk

Alexander Davey

Alexander Davey


CCP political discourse and organization; party-state policymaking; social policy and development


Alexander Brown

Senior Analyst (on parental leave)

Industrial policy; foreign economic policy

Claus Soong

Claus Soong


China’s foreign and security policy; Asia-Pacific; US-China


Rebecca Arcesati

Lead Analyst (Brussels office)

Digital Silk Road; artificial intelligence; technology and innovation in Europe-China relations 

"The chances of Russia turning its back on China are slim. Beijing and Moscow share strategic interests and geopolitical goals. Xi and Putin have a close relationship.”

Call for applications for our MERICS European China Talent Program (ECTP)

MERICS is dedicated to the mission of “Getting China right”. In this spirit, the ECTP will again gather a selected group of approximately 15 European early career scholars and professionals in Berlin. Apply until March 30

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Enhance your think tank skills with our training programs

Think Tank School: For early-career professionals to develop core think tank skills, expand network, and work on an individual policy project. 

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Leadership & Management Training: For middle managers to focus on leadership responsibilities, organizational development, and fundraising strategies.

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CfA Think Tank School und Leadership 2025