The Road Ahead for European Businesses in China
MERICS gGmbH (Mercator Institute for China Studies)
Alte Jakobstrasse 85-86
10179 Berlin
MERICS invites you to a closed-door discussion with leading experts and industry representatives on “The Road Ahead for European Businesses in China”.
We are delighted that Jens Eskelund, President of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC), will discuss the recently published Position Paper 2024/2025. MERICS Lead Analyst Jacob Gunter will present research on China’s overcapacities. Industry experts will share their expectations and scenarios for the coming months, including Matthias Blum (VCI), Jendrik Niebuhr (VDA), Clemens Otte (ZVEI), Friedolin Strack (BDI) and Oliver Wack (VDMA). China’s growing trade surplus, weak consumption growth, deflation risks and declining profitability make a deeply unhealthy cocktail for its economy. Xi Jinpings message is clear: China must remain focused on self-reliance and industrial resilience to achieve its modernization goals. European companies in China have to navigate slowing growth, Beijing’s lack of commitment to them and geopolitical turbulence. With business confidence at an all-time low, the EUCCC’s flagship publication focuses on the urgent need for the Chinese authorities to deliver on the reform commitments announced last year. At the same time, the European market might hold up high trade defense measure to secure their own economy from Chinese products flooding the European market.
You can either participate in person or join the discussion online. Please register by February 14.
- Jens Eskelund, President, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
- Jacob Gunter, Senior Analyst, MERICS
- Matthias Blum, Head of Foreign Trade Department, VCI
- Jendrik Niebuhr, Consultant Trade Policy, VDA
- Clemens Otte, Director Microelectronics & Cables, ZVEI
- Friedolin Strack, Head of Department International Markets, BDI
- Oliver Wack, Consultant Foreign Trade - East Asia, South Asia, Trade Policy, World Trade Organization (WTO), VDMA
- Claudia Wessling, Director Communications and Publications, MERICS
After the presentation and initial comments, participants will be invited to ask questions and engage in the discussion. Please note that the meeting is confidential and by personal invitation only (Chatham House Rules).
This hybrid event is part of our portfolio for MERICS Members and key stakeholders. We are always available to answer any questions you may have.