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Chinese FDI in the European Union: the implications for European business and policymaking

Jun 30, 2021 13:00 - 14:00

In this webinar, Rhodium Group and the MERICS presented and discussed the latest version of their report ‘Chinese FDI in Europe: 2020 Update.’ The report sheds light on how persistent disruption from Covid-19, high barriers to outward capital flows in China and increasing regulatory constraints to foreign investment in Europe have led to lower Chinese investment on the continent. The presentation was held by the authors of the report, Agatha Kratz, Associate Director at Rhodium Group, and Max J. Zenglein, Chief Economist at MERICS.

The presentation of the report was followed by a discussion of the implications of the latest developments for businesses and policymakers in the EU. The event was hosted by Business Europe.


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