Course Correction: China’s Shifting Approach to Economic Globalization
In recent years and months, China’s leaders have imposed a wide range of changes on its economy. These shifts have proceeded at a dazzling pace that is often difficult to follow, let alone to fit into the bigger picture. The team at MERICS has endeavored to map these individual steps onto a broader framework that concludes that Beijing has embraced a fundamentally different understanding of China’s position and role in the global economy.
Beijing has moved away from a focus on efficiency and growth driven by its intertwining with global markets and technologies to one that prioritizes resilience, self-reliance, and a more inwardly focused development model. Through its new ‘Dual Circulation Strategy,’ Beijing aims to reorient China’s position in global value chains and securitize much of the economy. As China’s leaders embrace a new understanding of economic globalization, it is imperative that the rest of the world grapples with the implications of this course correction.
MERICS’ Alexander Brown and Jacob Gunter introduced the key findings of their report "Course Correction: China’s Shifting Approach to Economic Globalization".
Online Event: "Course Correction: China’s Shifting Approach to Economic Globalization”
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (CEST)
The event was open to the public and took place via Zoom.
The discussion took place in English.
Alexander Brown – Analyst, MERICS
Jacob Gunter – Senior Analyst, MERICS
Mattie Bekink – China Director at Economist Corporate Network, Economist Group
Eva Valle Lagares – Minister Counsellor, Head of Trade, Delegation of the EU to China at European External Action Service
Barry Naughton – So Kwanlok Chair of Chinese International Affairs at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California
Bernhard Bartsch – Director External Relations, MERICS