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Online MERICS Event: Chinese investments in Europe hit decade low

In an online event Agatha Kratz, Director of Rhodium Group and Alexander Brown, Analyst at Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), authors of the study “Dwindling investment become more concentrated - Chinese FDI in Europe: 2024 update” presented the findings of the report compiled by MERICS and Rhodium Group on the latest trends in Chinese investment in the European Union and United Kingdom.

In 2023, Chinese investment in Europe plummeted to a mere EUR 6.8 billion, marking the lowest influx since 2010. This significant downturn is attributed to China’s internal economic hurdles and stringent capital controls, coupled with Europe’s heightened vigilance over foreign investments. However, greenfield investments, particularly in the electric vehicle (EV) sector, have surged, with Hungary leading the charge as the prime beneficiary. Two ot the authors discussed these key findings from the report in this online even.

Agatha Kratz, Director, Rhodium Group
Alexander Brown, Analyst, MERICS

Claudia Wessling, Director Communications and Publicatoins, MERICS