MERICS Online Event: Taiwan's fragile New Normal

Sep 08, 2022 12:00 - 13:00

Pelosi trip, military drills and diplomatic retaliation - The increasing tension around Taiwan demonstrates that both China and the USA are at the very least factoring in an escalation in the foreseeable future. The broad lines of Beijing’s approach to increase military pressure and economic coercion are likely to accelerate the geopolitical ambiguity. In Europe, too, politics and business must prepare in earnest for an intensification of the crisis.  

Alicia García-Herrero, Chief Economist for Asia-Pacific, NATIXIS; Senior Fellow, Bruegel 
Kathrin Hille, Greater China Correspondent, Financial Times 
Helena Legarda, Lead Analyst, MERICS 

Claudia Wessling, Director Communications and Publications, MERICS 

In a confidential circle of MERICS Members, important stakeholders and MERICS Subscribers, we shared our assessments and thoughts on implied risks for the economic and security landscape of the region (and beyond). 

As a MERICS member, you can read our latest Security and Risk Tracker on China-Taiwan relations and China's zero-Covid policy here.


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